Thursday, August 23, 2012

8401 Days

As of tomorrow I will have been alive for 8401 days, which is 276 months, 1200 weeks, or 23 years.  Yes tomorrow is my you should probably write on my Facebook wall or at least send me an email since you are stalking my blog. :)

The point is, I've been thinking about how amazing this last year has been and how little time I have left in South Africa. The rest of this post is going to be a humble-brag about how legitimate this year has been, so I don't blame you for skipping to the picture. Since turning 22, I:

  • Started and completed my first year of graduate school
  • Met the former President of the United States
  • Met the Secretary of State
  • Met the US Attorney General
  • Met the Director of Homeland Security 
  • Traveled through 7 countries
  • Went on a safari
  • Ate a worm (technically a caterpillar, but still)
  • Moved to South Africa
  • Slept under a mosquito net
  • Lived alone
  • Was a Maid of Honor
  • Had a nose ring
  • Had bangs
  • Washed my hands in the Nile River
  • Sang  karaoke totally solo (Journey's Don't Stop Believing  in case you were curious)
University of Pretoria-another 1st
Some of these are silly, but they are all still things I have done for the first time...that I can think of at the moment. (This list doesn't include all of the awesome people I have had the privilege of meeting or all the other great moments of this year.) I think turning 23 with four weeks left in South Africa is a pretty solid way to ensure that the next year is great, but have a lot to live up to. 

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