Thursday, July 12, 2012

I love London?

Well it is finally here, the moment you have all been waiting IPSP! Nine hours of flying and four hours of sleep later I am currently in London-Heathrow, which will be my temporary home for the next six hours. The worst part is not trying to amuse myself for the next few hours, it is that I DESPERATELY want to take a shower. Such a first world problem. At three pm CST I will depart London and head to South Africa. I did manage to creep on an Olympic team checking into the border within the first 15 minutes of being in London. I think they were from France...

 What have I been doing all summer while my precious classmates have been playing all around the world? I thought you would never ask! Here is an abbreviate list of the highlights: wedding, wedding shower, bachelorette party, wedding shower,wedding, engagement party, wedding, oh and and elopement celebration (not mine obviously). During that time I did somehow manage to read Catcher in the Rye and do my PPR and Country Analysis. In all seriousness, it was great to celebrate such happy occasions with some of my closest people.

While I'm in South Africa I will be working for Habitat for Humanity International's Africa and Middle East Orphans and Vulnerable Groups division. I am assessing what strategies of interventions need to be changed in order to ensure that the program is affective. I also get to travel to Uganda and Malawi to play with kids that have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS (well really I'm conducting on-the-ground research, but that doesn't sound as fun). Now you are all caught up fair reader. I'm going to explore the wonder that is Harrod's in Heathrow.

 PS. If you see my parents or siblings give them a hug; they have been super cool about sending their favorite child/sibling to another continent for three months.

PPS. I really do love London, just not from the airport.

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